"The Earth is a sacred artifact that resonates with life.  We may see the Earth as being ill, but the Earth is a vital and superior organism.  The sickness we see in the World is a reflection of the sickness we feel in ourselves."  

and into the sterling new

It's been awhile.  And a lot has gone on.  A trip or two and some woods and hikes and fishes and great raging swarms of mosquitoes and in the end I find myself lagging far, far behind in penning my thoughts here, in this forum.  Why, I wonder...and I largely think it's due to tedium,... Continue Reading →

ticks, ramps, and Audubon apps

So, Spring.  I feel like she's trying to arrive, but in fits and starts and places in between.  But I've been out and about, and there are indications of the liveliness of the foresty parts slowly unfolding.  A new development is that I purchased an Audubon app for my 'old' iPhone.  I recently upgraded, thank... Continue Reading →

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